We have started collaborating and are now developing features for the AFs on an ongoing basis.
All AFs can now contribute to improvements made to the platform. If you believe you have a great idea, you can send an e-mail to Mathieu Vendeville, the designer of AF Melbourne (design@afmelbourne.com.au), and put us in copy (support@oncord.com).
Mathieu will regularly organize votes internally on the next features to be developed. Features will need to be presented to us prior voting and being integrated in the development pipeline, as our feedback is essential.
If you have subscribed to the newsletter, you will be notified of the new features and developments that have been released.
A quick workflow:
The newsletter and articles presented on this website will contain important information. Your team will need to read and sometimes take action to exploit the new features being released on a ongoing basis. Please forward the newsletter to whoever it may concern and invite your team members to subscribe to the AF Oncord Newsletter.