Timetable - Custom Events
We've released an update that allows you to create custom timetable events and clone library documents.
This is useful if you want to reserve a room, or mark a teacher's unavailability.  Ie - create an event that is not a course, or a marketing event; but still logged in the calendar to reserve the time.

You can create custom events from within AF > Calendar > New Timetable Event

Courses - Schedule vs Unit Editing Fix
There was previously a problem where modifying the units contained within a schedule would not update the schedule itself.  This caused confusion as the schedule could have different start and end dates to the units.

We've made the following tweaks:
- Where it is possible, modifying units will now automatically update the schedule's start and end dates.
- Warning text will show when selected dates are not within the session's date and time range 

Courses - Clone Bug Fix
Fixed an issue when cloning a course causes the associated books to be required.

Library - Document Clone
You can now clone documents from within the library feature.

Library - Documents 'Cannot Be Borrowed'
Added ability to mark a document as cannot be borrowed.

Library - Statistics
Added a new library chart that displays the customers who borrowed most.
Added the ability to filter library charts via document types.

Library - Fines
A popup to create fine will be displayed whenever borrowed items that are overdue for return or lost are recorded.

Fines for overdue items are automatically calculated when the Default Fine Amount (per day) library setting is set.

You can also set the product and the default price per day under Library > Configuration > General Settings: 

AF San Francisco Now Live
AF San Francisco is now live with Oncord.

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