Timetable Update
We've just released a new version of the timetable feature.  To improve usability, we've redesigned it to maximise the screen real-estate available for events.

The view state (date / month selection) of the calendar is now also preserved when you change filters.

Events that are bunched together can be hard to read, so we've implemented event expansion on hover.

Events can be dragged and dropped, or resized to reschedule and retime the events.

We've also re-engineered the datasources for the calendar to improve performance.

Within the next week or so, we will also have the functionality to add 'custom events' for the reservation of a room, public holidays or temporary closure of your Alliance.

If you are experiencing difficulties loading the timetable, please hold down Control + Refresh.  This should clear your cache and download the new JavaScript required for it to work correctly.

PMB Library Import Tool
We've developed a tool to import all documents and borrowing history from PMB Library software.  If you are still using PMB, please let me know, and we can transfer your library to Oncord.

AEC Import Tool
For new Alliance Francaise organisations joining Oncord, we now have a complete database import tool available from AEC software. This makes migration to Oncord easy.

Book a demo with us to find out more

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