Teacher Availability

Enabling teacher availability allows teachers to easily communicate their free and busy times by creating availability schedules. This information can then be used by administrators and students to ensure that classes are scheduled at times that work for both the teacher and the student.

To allow teachers to set their own schedule of availability an administrator can enable this setting for both Collective and Private Courses.

Once this feature is enabled, an administrator can create a schedule of availability for a teacher, or teachers can create one on their own.

Administrators and teachers will be able to select an availability type (group or private) when adding a new available day/time into their schedule, as teachers may require different availability schedules for group and private classes.

Enabling Teacher Availability

For Collective Courses
Go to Courses > Configuration > Collective Course Configuration > Teacher Availability tab.
Toggle the setting to 'On'

For Private Courses
Go to Courses > Configuration > Private Course Configuration > Teacher Availability tab.
Toggle the setting to 'On'

Email Notifications
You can set an admin email address or multiple, who will receive an email whenever a new teacher availability is added or changed.

Video of how to enable the teacher availability feature for both group and private courses:

Creating Availability Schedule

As an Administrator

When viewing a teacher from the teacher's page the Availability tab will now be shown. From there, a schedule can be made for a teacher.

As a Teacher

In the Teacher Portal, the Availabilities page will be visible, from which the teacher can create availability schedules.

How are these availabilities used?

The availability schedules of a teacher are used for detecting conflicts among their classes. This can be extremely helpful when scheduling in new group or private courses.
When creating or updating a unit and assigning a teacher, it will show a red (unavailable) or green (available) indicator depending on that teachers availability for that day/time your creating a schedule of units for.
If a conflict is detected in the teachers timetable the item will display as red.

In addition, availability schedules for private courses can be used by students when class rescheduling is enabled. A full guide about Private Course Class Rescheduling can be found here.

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